Aurimo Pociaus dienoraštis

2019 m. spalio 8 d., antradienis

What is snus?

Snus is very popular in Sweden and Norway for the last 70 years and that shows some unexpected results: the number of smoking men in Sweden is probably the lowest in Europe and the number of people with a lung cancer is as well very low.
Snus to describe simply is a non smoking tobacco product. It has nicotine, but it's not smoked - and most of research shows that nicotine is adictive only then smoked(cigaretes).
As well, snus provides one of the most easiest transitions for heavy smokers to not smoking at all.
It seems that snus is a preatty healthy and easy option, but it still has tobacco inside and that is considered evil all around the world. 
Snus is possible to use anywhere you want: restaurant, plane, even kindergarten (if you dare (and you are an adult)); and it doesn't cause any passive smoking issues to anyone around: family, children, people passing by.
At the moment not every country and everyone can enjoy snus as it is forbidden is some countries (for example all European Union except Sweden). It was forbidden by EU when Sweden joined EU and it wanted to protect its own tobacco producers.
Now mostly snus comes from two european countries: Sweden and Switzerland. Switzerland is not an EU member. And if you wish to try it or buy it from Switzerland you can always buy it there: Snus shop.

Still, I would strongly suggest you to do your own investigation, research and discussion as much as possible only to find out if snus is a product for you.
If you decide to use it, use it moderately, don't go over the line, do not destroy your gums and teeth. Remember that even sport, if not used smartly, can give you health problems.
I hope I could provide some basic information about snus and if you have any questions, let me know.